For as long as I can remember I have tried to have a positive outlook on life and my personal happiness. There was a period of time when all I could see was grey and not the vibrant colors of life swirling around me. Everything I read said to focus on the good memories, but somehow even […]
Few Seconds of Fame
There are so many reasons the I love living on our quirky little island. Sure there is the light sandy beach that is 50 yards from my front door, and there is the twinkling diamonds on the ocean when a full moon is setting. But more than that, the community here is like nothing I have ever […]
Icelandic Adventure
Last month I went to Iceland with my dad. We had traveled quite a bit together when I was growing up. This was our first time traveling out of the country together in 25 years. After a five hour too hot and semi-restless fully booked flight, we arrived in the darkness to the airport just outside […]
UPDATE on Tybee Artist – Jill Ferree Project!
We’re published! South Magazine picked up our collaborative article about Jill’s life and works and published it in the Feb 2015 issue! We are excited see our idea go from concept to print!