The Curse of the Visionary
10 Feb

The Curse of the Visionary

Simple Definition of visionary adjective  vi·sion·ary \ˈvi-zhə-ˌner-ē\ : having or showing clear ideas about what should happen or be done in the future Travel plans, business ideas, websites, creative photo shoots, products that need to be invented, you name it… I think about it. Not just think, but I dream and obsess over it. My […]

Blank Journals
12 Dec

Blank Journals

Taking plastic wrap off a new journal, is one of my favorite things to do. You know the kind of cellophane film that gets charged with static electricity when you tear it off and it clings to your skin without glue. Inhaling new paper smell as I expose the cream colored surface with college ruled […]

At Work Before Sunrise
1 Sep

At Work Before Sunrise

Out of my plastic cup, I sip steaming coffee and I wipe the sleepiness from my eyes. The sky is dark except for one bright planet that is still visible, pinned in the sky over the ocean. I am sitting in my minivan listening to the waves gently roll into the sand.  A rhythmic pattern […]

Exponential Little Bits
28 Aug

Exponential Little Bits

I was a stay at home mom with five kids. One in private school, one in middle school, one in elementary school, one in preschool and a nursing baby attached at the hip. I was in two car pools. I volunteered at two schools. I made home cooked meals for my family seven days a […]

Six More Weeks of Summer!
7 Aug

Six More Weeks of Summer!

It’s been three years and I still haven’t gotten the hang of it. Here in the south the kids head back to school around the first week of August. Yesterday was the first day of school for many Tybee and Savannah students. This is when everyone announces “Summer’s over!” “What??” I exclaim, “It was 98 […]

The Green Box
28 Jul

The Green Box

Today Sean and I cleaned out the last of anything we had saved in storage here in Virginia. My dad had loaned us a large sea container to store the remnants of our past life that was on the back of his 30 acre property. Each time we would return to Virginia we would grab […]

Puzzle Pieces
16 Jul

Puzzle Pieces

Do you ever find that when you talk to someone about an idea you have but has been unclear, suddenly becomes clear? Or a least a few more pieces fall into place. Often times I get a glimpse of an idea, just one piece of a 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. A mere fraction of the […]