Arenal Volcano
6 Oct

Arenal Volcano

Tuesday morning, we left the Southern Pacific Region of the country or where we had been calling home for the past five days. We drove up the coast then headed inland towards the Arenal volcano. Google maps said the trip would take five and one half hours. Well, Google was wrong. While I appreciate the […]

Outta here…
30 Sep

Outta here…

We knew it was a crazy idea, but we decided what the heck, we’ll make it work. I had several jobs come in before I had to pack my bags, therefore I was at my computer editing photos and replying to emails for three days straight. I had one last wedding at sunset on Wednesday […]

Day 10 Exploring Everglades National Park
22 Jan

Day 10 Exploring Everglades National Park

Wednesday 1/21/16 I cooked hearty breakfast of eggs, sausages, tortillas and hash browns. Birds were visiting our campsite throughout the morning. I spotted a bright red cardinal through the green and brown branches. The weather was the warmest and most beautiful we’ve had during our our whole trip. One layer of clothing would be perfect […]

“Mom Has ‘Trump’ Hair” Day 9
21 Jan

“Mom Has ‘Trump’ Hair” Day 9

Tuesday 1/20/16 Cool air is tucking its chill into every open space possible. Exposed skin especially susceptible to its touch. Jagged sticks begin to snap and crack from the glowing orange fire ring. I am standing a few feet away stirring the cheese dip over the gas stove while boiling water to mix with instant […]