Thursday 1/21/16
We tore down camp for the last time for a while, well at least until spring, when we camp on Little Tybee with friends.
At our campsite in the Everglades, we met a fellow camper from Virginia, named Bobby. A retired, widowed gentleman traveling in his little RV. We got to know him over the past couple days as he would come by our camp and hang out sharing his life with us. He told us about a book the he recently self-published. It was a personal project that took him four years to complete. He showed me his book before we left and I purchased one for $10. He took such care in choosing the illustrations and maps that are published in it. It is historic fiction, a collection of five stories about a young pioneer girl travelling with her family through Virginia and Kentucky in the early 1800s. I am really looking forward to reading it and keeping in touch with our new friend. He has a nickname of “Cowtail” as he shared a story about his favorite candy and carries mini Cowtail candy with him to share with his new friends. As I said in a post a couple days ago, the best part of traveling is meeting so many new and interesting people.
As we entered Homestead shortly after exiting the park, we made a stop at a fruit and vegetables stand,called “Robert Is Here”. I wish I had more time to shop there. Lots of beautiful fresh produce in every color and texture imaginable. I ordered their famous key lime milkshake.
Kyleigh spotted a display of rambutan fruit. This brought back memories of Costa Rica for each of us. That was the first time we experienced the exotic tropical fruit. They’re outward appearance looks prickly, but it’s really not. It’s covered with soft pliable spines. To open one, you insert your thumb into the skin, like you would a tangerine or orange. Peeling away the skin will expose the white flesh of the fruit. This is similar to a large grape and tastes kind of like one too. Inside is a single seed about the size of an almond. We purchased a dozen of them to snack on and to reminisce our past travels to Costa Rica. Our last trip there was last winter. I blogged every day during our trip. If you care to read about it, the first of eleven posts starts here. click here.
The rest of today has been uneventful… exactly the way we like it when are traveling. We are now headed to Palm Coast, Florida to spend the night with Sean’s mom before we return to Tybee on Friday.
It has been days since any of us has showered as the new shower facilities in Long Pine Camping area were not completed yet. We have been masking our body odors with eucalyptus scented hand sanitizer. It will be a mad sprint to see who gets to shower first when we arrive at Gram’s house!
We did cut our trip short by about a week. Although we all feel that we have accomplished what we set out to do. Make memories with our two youngest girls before time slips away. Which we all know how quick that happens.
If you’ve followed our trip the past two weeks, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! When I’m not traveling, I don’t blog every day, but I will post 2-3 times a week about our crazy life on Tybee, homeschooling our girls, running our business and whatever else strikes my fancy. If you don’t want to miss a post, then I invite you to sign up for my email list. I promise to not spam you from this list, I just sent a quick email notice when I have a new post.