The Real New Year’s Day
4 Jan

The Real New Year’s Day

Creamy white clouds spread like buttercream frosting across the periwinkle blue background. Pink, yellow and orange beams blazing through sparkle off  the palm fronds that are dancing in the breeze at the top of the tree outside my window. I sit on the soft worn sofa next to the window that faces the dark grey […]

Last Post of 2015
31 Dec

Last Post of 2015

As I sit to write what will be my last blog post of the year, I think of all that has occurred during 2015. There was a lot of good and growth that happened mixed in with loss and sadness. Though it was through losing loved ones that brought remaining relationships closer and deeper with […]

Blank Journals
12 Dec

Blank Journals

Taking plastic wrap off a new journal, is one of my favorite things to do. You know the kind of cellophane film that gets charged with static electricity when you tear it off and it clings to your skin without glue. Inhaling new paper smell as I expose the cream colored surface with college ruled […]