Being Happy and Content
16 August

Being Happy and Content


In recent days and weeks I have had several conversations with people who are excited about new doors opening and changes in store for them.

Moving on to the next stage and chapter of their lives. New job, career change, school, moving to a new place, selling a house, buying a house, or completely starting over… Everyone has different things that gets them excited, or makes them happy and content.

I had already been excited about several things in my life and gained or achieved many of them and lost some of them. And while I enjoyed most of these things, it wasn’t always what made me happy and content. There are new things I want to do and experience that are on the horizon of my life right now. But I don’t want to lose sight that those things and experiences are not what brings true contentment.

I now have two lists in my life. One is a short list of what I need to make me happy, and the second is a long list of dreams and accomplishments I’d like to achieve.  I think it is key to not confuse the two.

By definition contentment means being in a state of happiness. Therefore if what you have in front of you makes you happy, then you will be content and not need anything else.

I am constantly evaluating my life, asking myself what brings contentment and happiness to me. I am currently happier than I have ever been. For me, removing much of the ‘stuff’ in my life and stripping down to the simplest of needs is when my eyes were opened to what matters most in my life.

I really did not enjoy taking care of “stuff”. A bigger house meant more to decorate, clean and look after. More to insure and protect from theft and damage. Which meant I had to work harder and longer hours to make more money to pay someone to clean, protect and insure all of this stuff. This all took time away from my family and important relationships. Then began the downward spiral of resenting what I liked doing most, my work. I had already built a business doing what I loved. But the work to play ratio was way off balance in my life and that caused stress and anxiety. One day I found myself in a dark place feeling hopeless and isolated from the most important relationships in my life.

I have now found contentment and happiness in experiences and in my relationships. I can relate to what Paul says in the bible in Philippians 4:12-13…”I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

I place no judgement on anyone enjoying nice things. There are certainly material things I enjoy, too.

However, what I enjoy now, is so simple. I really like a comfortable chair to sit in at the beach or at home on our deck so that I can hear the waves flowing in their tidal patterns. I have a certain kind of moleskin journal and uniball pens I like to use to write my memories. I treasure books that contain wisdom from very smart people. I like simple non-complicated camera equipment that allows me to be creative and do my job without taking up too much time to learn or figure out.

When I read stories about people that were able to downsize their material possessions to a size small enough to travel the world and be location independent… that excites me. When I see video clips on vagabond world travelers, or those tiny house people on YouTube, I can identify with them and I feel a tinge of jealousy wishing I was in their shoes.

While researching before my recent trip to Iceland in January, I came across world travel photographer, Elia Locardi. It was exhilarating as I read his story, how he and his wife sold everything to become location independent. For three years now they have traveled nonstop around the world. Staying 2-4 weeks at each location, then logging more flight miles on to their next destination.

Before finding Tybee, I was ready to live a vagabond life, but still having four kids at home, that would have to wait a while. Since then, we were led to an amazing community of people here. Something I don’t want to give up anytime too soon. I still want to have this place to call home, but I want to keep it simple. Our little apartment by the ocean is enough for me.

When the day comes that we can afford a bigger home, we have decided that is not where we would want to spend our money. I dream of traveling with Sean and my kids. Filling our days with experiences and meeting people from around the world. Speaking well of one another and enriching people’s lives by sharing experiences and doing life together.

Can you take some time and ask yourself what brings contentment and happiness to your life?  Is it obtaining that next ‘thing’ or being next to the ones you love? Let your answer help you make the decisions that you have before you.


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