Give Up.
7 October

Give Up.


Giving up is not always a bad idea.

You have to count the costs and decide if something is worth holding onto. Is it worth giving your life for?

In reality that’s what you are doing. When you spend the minutes, hours and days of your life worrying and fretting over something, you will never get that time back. The same holds true for spending your time on stuff that has no purpose or meaning. That could mean a job that takes joy from your life or endless hours spent doing something you hate.

Time moves on whether we like it or not.

If you are holding a grudge or argument that continues to eat at you, taking up space in your heart and mind, then you should probably come to terms with it and let it go. What good purpose is it serving you or anyone else in your life for you to ‘be right’?

This also applies to habits we are held captive to in our life.

We are not alone in this life long struggle. Even the apostle Paul said, “I do the things I don’t want to do and I don’t do the things I want to do.”

How do you break out of it? Yes, it is easier said than done and it is also never a once and for all decision. But one that you have to decide for yourself everyday.

It’s never too late to change. Never too late to let go. You just might need to remind yourself daily to do it.

Start with the first thing that comes to your mind. That’s probably the biggest in your life. It’ll be different for everyone, but only a decision that you can make. Choosing to give up on that thing today. Then continue to give it up tomorrow, until it’s a permanent part of your life to not do it anymore.

Give up that habit that has a hold on your life.

Give up negative talk.

Give up worrying about 95% of stuff that will never happen.

Give up holding onto the grudge that keeps you awake at night.

Give up the need to “being right all of the time”

Give up being controlled by others.

Give up living up to others expectations for your life. (Unless they are a good influence for you, leading you in a positive place)

Instead, find freedom in letting go.

Send me a note, let me know what you have decided to give up.


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