Life’s Tensions
25 February

Life’s Tensions


For as long as I can remember I have tried to have a positive outlook on life and my personal happiness. There was a period of time when all I could see was grey and not the vibrant colors of life swirling around me. Everything I read said to focus on the good memories, but somehow even the good memories were attached to something that reminded me of pain, hurt or failure. It took a couple of years, making some big life changes and some small daily choices has helped all of that. Now, I can now flip through a stack of pictures of familiar faces from the past, recount events and my mind is filled with joyful and fun memories. Now I smile as these images bring laughter, and sweet sentiment. During those few years, when I had to make the big changes, there are a few little things that helped me evaluate my life and emotional state. I learned to let go of trying to control situations that were out of my control. I know this sounds, easier said than done, but somehow, when the big stuff was beyond my control, it was easier to let go of the little stuff too. At some point I asked, how much worse can it get? When this question popped in my head, I would read a story or meet someone whose situation is far worse than my own and it quickly changed my perspective. I realized how I needed to be grateful for the blessings that I had, and that life is in constant flux of ebb and flow, give and take, tension and compression.  All of which are necessary  to create notes played on stringed instruments, support bridges that span long distances over dangerous waters and elements that make a great story. untitled--34This analogy helped me to see that tension in my life is to be welcomed and will help me cross rough waters and allow me to play my life’s song for others to hear. Much like the tides that I now hear from the windows of our little oceanside apartment that we call home.  It is a beautiful sound, one that lulls me to sleep at night and gently awakens me in the morning. When we are going through the low tides of life, it can feel melancholy, desolate, and lonely. However, that is the time to embrace the solitude, calm and quiet. Just remember that high tide is on its way bringing new treasures soon be discovered on life’s shores. Can you evaluate the tensions in your life, and identify them as positive and necessary for your life’s song?



  1. This is a beautiful read Wen. Thank you for sharing. I’m sure that in the low tides of our lives we get caught up in the ‘low’ and do not look at what the low tide left behind. It is when the tides are low that we can see more easily the beauties of what the ocean leaves for us.

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