15 October



Monday was a difficult day for us to all get through, but leaning into each other we found a way.

Over five hundred people gathered on the shore of the Savannah River at the north end of Tybee to say our farewells and “see ya laters” to Sweet Susan.

There was a slight cloud cover, but a most beautiful day. Part way through the ceremony the sun burst through the clouds at full strength. Showing its power and beauty. After the final benediction, several of us placed bright yellow flowers in the water as salt water streamed down our cheeks. Plenty of hugs were exchanged and reassurance of love as we consoled each other . In small groups everyone walked the one block distance back to Hucapoos. Where every table was covered with food, a couple pans deep. Definitely more food than there were the hundreds of people there to eat it.

Chatter began to fill the air, as we all shared fun and memorable stories about Suzie’s life. A crisp breeze made its rounds on the deck, kissing each of us with a refreshing sweetness, just as Susan had in her days with us.

Spending a brief time with Susan and Chris’ families, they each expressed how touched they were to see such genuine community love being poured out for their precious loved ones. They were reassured that Chris is in good hands and surrounded by unending support. And that Susan’s spirit of love will continue to be shared amongst us.

As for the rest of us, new commitments were made to live more like Susie lived. Accepting life’s challenges and finding ways to overcome them. Not to mention speaking fresh words of expressing love and gratefulness towards each other.

We have affectionately started calling Hucapoos “hugapoos”, because you certainly cannot make it past the front steps without getting a big bear hug and an ” I love you, man ”

Our island has suffered great loss this year, as too many young lives that we hold close and dear were taken too early for our understanding. The days, weeks and months ahead hold times of healing for our hearts and souls. Arm in arm we take steps together to not take each other for granted but to walk in love and forgiveness making every moment count.

I have another little story to share that has given me great comfort during our loss. I have shared it with a few others this week, and we can only smile and believe that Susie was truly a gift to us.

On Saturday I received a call from a friend helping with the memorial service arrangements. They were asking if I had the high resolution files of a picture of Susan that her family had chosen to display at the service. I went to my archives and prepared the file for printing so that it would be ready for Monday afternoon. As her beautiful smiling face was on my laptop screen during the day, at one moment I looked up and was immediately reminded of a picture that my father-in-law, Jim McNally, used to have printed on small cards and keep as a reminder of Jesus’ true spirit. It is titled “The Laughing Christ” I quickly Googled the image and as it pulled up on my screen, I got goosebumps from head to toe. There is no doubt in my mind, that Susie showed us Jesus’ love in her days with us.



  1. Oh my word! How beautiful are your words and love for Susan! My family attended the same church that the Allen’s did! Elizabeth and I sang in the choir together, and Jason and my son played baseball together! I had lost contact with them several years ago, but like all of you remember Susan’s sweet smile Always! I’ve been praying for the Allens and everyone affected by this untimely loss! Thank You Wen for your gifted words of comfort! God Bless You!

  2. That’s a really sweet post. I have been friends with this beautiful girl most of my life. I can wish I would have called her in the last months all I want, but life has a way of giving us high tide and low tide, but also flowing and swirling around and around in the rivers, and that’s what our lives did for a bit so that we could grow and explore.
    Susan always wanted someone to share her enormous amount of love with and be in a committed official bond and she found that with her husband and I was so happy and proud of her. Every day I think of how happy I know she was to be there with her mother, father and brother in front of all of the people she loved, getting married and making her dream come true.
    Susan was settled and that’s what made us all look up to her. While we were wandering or worrying or wanting, Susan knew where she wanted to be and she was content. She was a light, and at peace.
    She always reminded her friends to enjoy the simple things in life and to be happy. I still hear her laughter in my head, and feel her punches with those little fists when she needed to give me some tough love. I was not shocked to know that so many people came to honor her on that beach that she loved. She was perfect really. She was the true definition of a light in our lives.
    She will never be forgotten. There are just too many wonderful memories over the years that keep flooding in, and her spirit IS just too strong to EVER forget.
    My Susy Q

  3. Thank you Wen for these beautiful words and picture of Jesus. Our Susan loved you and your family so much. Our hearts are broken, but we will be with her again. Thank you for loving Susan and for all the many acts of kindness shown to her.

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