My Birthday Re-cap
30 January

My Birthday Re-cap



My birthday celebration couldn’t have been more perfect. It started before I got out of bed with personalized videos sent to me, one from a friend I had only met once seven years ago, and one from my brother in Nicaragua… When technology is not driving me crazy, it is truly amazing me! Then Ava served me breakfast on our family’s traditional “Red Plate “ along with a present. Eight envelopes wrapped in happy birthday ribbon. I opened the first envelope that read… “open this…when its your birthday” it was a sweet letter that was also filled with her special kind of humor and made me laugh out loud. Then as I began to flip through the other envelopes, the tears started to pool in the corners of my eyes. The series of handwritten gifts included:
Open when…
You cannot sleep at night
You need to laugh
You need encouragement
You need a story
You need to know how much I love you
You are feeling sad
You are sick
Wow… and that’s was only the start of the day!

Baylie gave me two jars of homemade sugar scrub cubes. I have allergic reactions to several soaps, so I only use one particular brand. She took thoughtful care in only using whole organic products that I would not break out from when she made these for me. And they are wonderful!

The day continued on with flowers, Facebook posts, cards, visitors, phone calls, texts and messages. We had dinner at 80e with some of my closest friends who gifted me with a drink package for an upcoming cruise we’re taking in a few weeks. Then as planned, our progressive party continued on to Hucapoos for our weekly competition of Name That Tune. Bundled up on a chilly night we drove a mile down the road, in Karen and Frank’s new open air golf cart.

I hadn’t even made it across the deck, when my friend Jeffro treated me to my first Miller Lite. Then immediately when I walked in, Kate hands me a gift left at the bar earlier by my friend Jan and her son LJ, a ten dollar bill with a message scrolled across the front and back!


I was so blessed to see a category on the weekly Name That Tune game sheet created for my birthday. “Happy Birthday When” (songs containing the word “when” like When a Man Loves a Woman) Eric, the emcee and game host, moves from team to team around the bar and tables throughout the joint quizzing and gathering answers from each team on the vast genre of songs played that fit within each category. At one point he stopped at our team to tell me that there was a fan of my blog sitting at the corner table in the back of the room. Carolyn and Erin encouraged me to go introduce myself…walking up to a table of people I don’t know… yeah, that’s a comfortable favorite activity for an introvert like me….(you do hear the sarcasm when reading this, right?) But I was committed to do it!  I was finishing up a conversation and within a few minutes I turned to walk to their table… and they were gone! So…to the mystery person that was at the backdoor table at the Poo on Wednesday night… if you are reading this post, please let me know when you are back at Hucapoos so we can meet and please forgive my delay in making my way to your table. I was flattered when Eric told me I had a blog fan in the house!



I have never been one to be comfortable in the spotlight, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the love that was showered on me on my birthday night. The attention made me feel extra loved and special. From the thoughtful gifts, birthday meals, songs sung to me and hugs received. Oh and let’s not mention the drinks purchased for me…yeah we really shouldn’t mention those. But the newly invented shot by Winky called the “nothing yet” was a highlight for a handful of us. Thanks Ron and Leigh, my Breezy family!

The evening rolled on when Ben treated me to a Breezy ride to the south end, where Sean was hosting open mic at the Sandbar. Once again love was poured on with greetings and hugs from many wonderful friends. The place was packed the whole night as we danced and laughed and told stories and shared life. I really enjoyed a special moment and times shared with our new friends Kim and Chris.


A real treat was when my son Bryce played a few songs with his new band. Just wait till you hear these guys. I know, I am a biased mother, but from the crowd’s response, it’s not just through a mother’s ears!  They are putting music together for a full show, I’ll be the band mom in the front row cheering them on.

Birthdays on Tybee are truly something special…they are never limited to one day either. The days and nights that followed continued with a birthday Thai lunch from my girl Kyleigh and more love and birthday week wishes came in as the weekend approached.

Now it’s time for Mardi Gras, Tybee Style. The parade starts in a few hours and the weather is expected to be glorious! Wish you were here!


  1. Gee, I shoulda known something was up that night. And here I sat next to you for maybe an hour and no clue! Color me clueless? So, belated HaPPy Birthday. I owe you a beer sometime! It does sound however as though you had the grandest of birthdays. All those special little gifts from the heart are so much more valuable than trinkets and baubles.

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