The Most Beautiful Day of the Year
16 September

The Most Beautiful Day of the Year


There are several events a year that happen on Tybee and they all make me smile. But the one that is the closest to my heart is Surfers For Autism.

SFA or Surfers for Autism, is an annual event on Tybee. The Boca Raton, Florida based organization travels to various locations in Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico and Australia. At each event, two hundred children diagnosed within the Autism spectrum are paired up with accomplished surfers and other volunteers, then placed on surf boards to connect with the ocean. Unlike anything they’ve ever experienced before. Stories of astonishing breakthrough that happen through the day are shared from parents and volunteers alike. Some of these children may have never spoken a word in their life, but some begin speaking after their first encounter with the waves underneath them. What happens is not always easily explained or at all understood, but neuroscientists and autistic behavioral experts are studying why the connection with the ocean is causing this unlocking to occur. Whatever the reason, it is amazing to see happen!

Hundreds of volunteers sign up with thoughts that they’re are making a difference in another’s life, and while indeed they are…but their life is changed in a way they would have never expected.

Our family started volunteering for the organization the first year that we had moved here. Each of our girls have different responsibilities to jump in and help with the event. From registration, to setting up and physically being in the water helping put children on surfboards. We have all been touched by this organization and make the Tybee SFA event an annual priority. We serve on the committee to help in whatever way we can throughout the year planning for the event.

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The day of the event, I photograph the miracles as they unfold. What I see through my lens, touches my heart each time. I witness extraordinary breakthrough with these children as they overcome their developmental challenges. Joyful smiles  spread across the face of every volunteer.

A majority of the volunteers are from our Tybee family and community. I see people that my children are growing up with and their lives being influenced by each of these wonderful souls that value giving of themselves to make someone’s life better.

As I hide behind my camera covering my emotionally soggy eyes, I feel my heart well up with gratitude as salty tears stream down my cheeks. We are blessed to live in such a place and continue to be touched by this community of never ending love.

The morning after the event, Sean and two of our girls were in the Hotel Tybee parking lot. This is the official event hotel headquarters that sits right across from our front door. We were saying our goodbyes to Don and Kim, the founders of SFA as they were packing up to head south for the next event. While we were there, my friend, Jim Bodenrader had just posted this story on Facebook. I could not write the words any better, so I will leave you with this story. Just one example that explains why I love Tybee for its people…

“OK I got a little story for you that shows what Tybee is like. I shaped the surfers for autism board to donate. My dad, AJ Bodenrader wanted to send money to help pay for it but I declined and told him I got this. He sent money up to my wife and told her to buy some raffle tickets and hand them out to kids.

So I did. I handed a ticket to one boy and told him to give it to his parents to hold for the drawing, Don Ryan, the man who runs SFA saw what I was doing and went over and told the parent who I was and that I handed out these tickets. Once the little boy knew who I was, he made the connection and thought he had the winning ticket. Unfortunately, he did not win it and was devastated.

This is where typical Tybee stuff happens. Joey Spalding had been pushing this child on waves for several sessions and saw the little boys reaction. He went over to console him but this little boy was crushed…so Joey did something really cool. He went home and grabbed his board and gave it to the little boy. So Tybee.”

you can view more images from the day here



  1. Tells the story so well. Why we come back year after year to volunteer. We get back 100 percent of what we give. A smile, a first dip in water, a shout ,” I surf” , makes SFA day so very special.

  2. This was our third year at Tybee. What a joyous day! My granddaughter can’t stop smiling when she’s on the surfboard. Thank you all you wonderful volunteers !

  3. This event is amazing and my son is in this article. He is the little boy who Joey was working with and he gave my son his own surf board. I am so proud because my son is not a quitter no matter how hard a challenge may be! He is a very awesome little boy. He is very determined and motivated and won’t quit or give up until he gets the hang of it, no matter what the challenge may be. From eating with a fork, riding a bike, or learning how to stand up on a surf board in the water, he will keep trying until he does it. He is my Hero every day! ! ♡♡♡

  4. I am so proud of Connor. His mom, Katherine works very diligently with Connor, encouraging him and showing him new things. Connor, The Unique Puzzle Pack salutes you. Good job. Congratulations for your new surf board.

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