Rainy days, there have not been too many on Tybee this year. Really, only a couple since spring, and even those were just an occasional shower, not an all day soaker. There were a few in the forecast, but they seemed to scoot around Tybee either to the East or West of us. Locals refer to this phenomenon as the “Tybee Bubble”. Just a couple weeks ago as Hurricane Hermine pummeled across Florida, Georgia and up the East coast, Tybee received some high winds, but very little rain.
This summer, we’ve had such little rain, Ava and I had to give up on our garden. We did harvest a few perfect mouth watering tomatoes and some really pretty sunflowers before the sun had fried everything to a crunchy brown.
The “Tybee Bubble” was good for the local businesses as tourists came for summer getaways spending year long savings on food and drinks as well as fun island experiences. Fishing, kayaking, paddleboarding, souvenir shopping… all of these summertime activities create revenue that keeps the island above water the rest of the year.
Summer ended over a week ago with the last hurrah labor day party including live music and fireworks on the pier.
As the aroma of coconut suntan lotion fades away, the beaches are quiet again. Available parking is found anywhere on the island. A nine and a half mile traffic jam no longer connects Tybee to the mainland. Locals stroll into favorite establishments and intimately know every single person in the room. Shopping at the IGA takes longer than five minutes only because you stopped to chat with a neighbor while picking up the best steaks ever.
I can only describe the feeling like this… imagine you had friends staying in your home for three months, and they just left. You were happy they came to visit, but you also let out a sigh of relief that they’re gone and you get to sit in your favorite chair again.
The island is not only quite again, but it is expected to be a 100% rainy couple of days.
No “Tybee Bubble” this week, just a much needed soaker. Where one can probably start and finish a good book while curled up on the sofa under a soft fuzzy blanket. We all need these kind of days every once in a while, and I hate to burst your bubble, but it’s Tybee’s turn.