17 December



Vulnerability is a word that has been rolling around in my head for months now. I have started several blog posts on the topic, but haven’t finished any of them. Each are left trailing with more questions than answers.

During the time I have been contemplating this word and its meaning. A friend recommended that I check out an author. My friend did not know what I have been writing and I had not yet shared about this subject of vulnerability with her.

The other morning I woke at 2 am. (This is when I usually read and write) I decided to check out this recommended author, Brene Brown. I watched a couple interviews and videos of her on YouTube. It turns out she has done years of extensive research on the subject of vulnerability.

It made me smile, as I watched from under the covers in my safe warm bed. I propped my head on my feather pillows so that I could watch the videos without straining my neck. Earbuds stuffed in my ears as to not wake Sean.

Even the smallest ways at 2 am, our answers can be met. We live in an age where we can watch and read content 24 hours a day. I am constantly filtering what content I ingest, through the test questions of “will this encourage me? make my life better? will I be a more compassionate and understanding person? or is this just mindless garbage that is a waste my time? That night, it was not a waste of time, but a deeper understanding on a topic I am exploring.

It’s a big word to tackle and comprehend. Today, this post is merely an introduction to the word and concept of vulnerability. I will probably revisit the subject in coming months as I gain more knowledge on the subject.

By definition, vulnerable means –
easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally, open to attack, harm, or damage

Ironically the root origin of vulnerable is “vulnerary – used to promote the healing of wounds”

Many times it’s in these vulnerable places that we have the most personal, emotional, spiritual and creative growth. Healing can come through our vulnerability. Others may be touched and changed due to our willingness to be vulnerable.

Removing the curtain we hide behind, reveals the true us. I believe that is what most people are looking for, craving and missing in their life. Real people to make a real connection with.

Enough of the phony, superficial façade, and fabricated front that people put on. Give me gritty, down to earth real people. People I can be myself with minus pretentiousness and charades. Isn’t that what we all want?

I’m not saying that we all need to make ourselves bare naked before God and everyone, but can’t we at least begin to tear down the brick barriers we have guarding ourselves from the rest of the world? Allowing who we really are to be revealed.

Can you help me in learning more about this?  What are some specific situations that let you know someone is genuine, real and authentic? Have you ever had a time when you found yourself in a vulnerable place, where you could be misunderstood, viewed as weak and taken advantage of? Did you grow in some way from the experience?

One Comment

  1. Kind of an interesting observation which I share, but one of the recent hot topics on Ted Talks is the woman who counsels standing in front of a mirror for 2 minutes, posing as a “super hero”, hands on hips, before appearing in a public situation. Effectively, it is a mask for concealing vulnerability! Just sayin’

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