What if?
25 March

What if?


Earlier this week, I woke up and scrolled through my Facebook newsfeed to find out that two young men ages 21 and 22, that I had photographed in my studio a few years ago chose to end their lives. I don’t know the circumstances around their situations, but the sadness that their friends and family are left with is painful and unbearable. Filled with questions of what they could have done to have changed their decisions at that critical moment of choosing life or death.

We are connected to news way more than we used to be. With Facebook, twitter, tumblr… We receive news faster and in greater quantity than ever before. But it seems that we hear the stories of those giving up on living is happening at record numbers. Why is hopelessness taking over? Pressures of attaining success and meeting other’s expectations can be overwhelming.

The other day, I heard someone say “life is a huge collaboration”, this caused me to pause and write it down in my journal. We have our own personal responsibilities, however there is a bigger picture that we are part of. Encouraging those around us, reaching out a hand, leading an ear when needed. Opting to extend kindness instead of judgement can change someone’s life. Even when we are unaware of the recipient’s needs at that moment. Love is a powerful choice, one that can change the world and the lives around us. Whether it is loving our spouse, family members or difficult people in our lives, choosing to love is the powerful force that will change lives for the better and give hope to the hopeless.

I am an idealist dreaming of a perfect Utopian world. Yes, I know that is not possible, but I do ask… “What if…?” What if our tongue holds the power of life and death? What if our words do make a difference in someone’s life? What if we set aside our own desires and put someone else’s needs before our own? I believe hope would come to the hopeless and change the lives around us if we choose to love.


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