Puzzle Pieces
16 July

Puzzle Pieces


Do you ever find that when you talk to someone about an idea you have but has been unclear, suddenly becomes clear? Or a least a few more pieces fall into place.

Often times I get a glimpse of an idea, just one piece of a 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. A mere fraction of the whole. I usually tuck this piece away in my brain and let it set dormant for a while. Maybe even completely forgetting about it. A while later a second or third piece or a handful of pieces get thrown in. I don’t know how the pieces fit together, but as I sort through them I begin to see the color and texture of what the picture is going to be.

My left brain, the organized, rational side wants to separate all of the straight edge pieces first. Fitting them together to creating a border so that I will know my boundaries. Then have a pile of same color or texture in hopes to have more pieces quickly fit together.

But my right brain, the creative, artistic side wants to immediately sling paint on the canvas and start fitting pieces together. Then it occurs to me that this just might be a picture without borders. One that will continue to grow and evolve as the Creator inspires.

I know this sounds pretty abstract and vague, but that’s what the pile of pieces seem like too. Maybe its a business idea, or a thought for a creative artistic piece to do through music, video, painting, photography, or a public service campaign, a nonprofit, or grassroots organization to make the world a better place.

Maybe its a seemingly hair brained idea to sell everything and move 500 miles away to a resort island and start life over.

Whatever that crazy dream, absurd idea is that you have, where people might think you are a little ‘out of your mind’ to even think about it…I want to encourage you to start sorting through the pieces. See if anything fits, and actually makes sense.

It helps to have a creative space to brainstorm and collaborate ideas with other like minds. I have often considered having a mastermind group of sorts to share ideas with creative minds that share similar but different dreams and ventures. Friends that can help to see objectively and bring shape and form to an idea.

Are you holding a few puzzle pieces in your hand and not sure what you should do with them? Would you like a safe place with like minded creatives to discuss your ‘way out there’ ideas with? A place where someone else might hand you that missing piece that is the perfect fit in your puzzle. Or where you can come along side another and generate an idea to help them in their venture.

This could be that start of something pretty wonderful.
Let me know if you’d like to be involved with a group like this. It will more than likely include a Facebook group and local fun get togethers to discuss projects, and ventures.

If you are interested, please send me an email, if I get enough interest, we will start something soon.


  1. Wen, this sounds wonderful. I it unlikely that I will ever live on Tybee (but never say never), but I do intend to live within 25 miles of the Island in a couple of years or so. So, count me in as a “puzzle piece” for the future.

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