Warning: I brag on all of my kids in this post!
23 December

Warning: I brag on all of my kids in this post!


As each of my kids begin to express an interest in an area, I try my best to gather the tools and supplies needed to put in their hands to see what comes of it. Sometimes it may be a passing phase, or could turn into a career for them. Computers, musical instruments, paints, brushes, pencils, cameras, craft supplies, cooking utensils, ingredients, and make up….(tons of makeup) these are the ‘things’ that have always and continue to fill our home. Raw materials mixed with imaginative minds equals no boundaries.

I am amazed at how five human beings all raised by the same two parents, can be so completely different. I celebrate their individuality and uniqueness and I’m am always inspired by their creativity.


Many of you know either from past blog posts (or because you’ve known our family for a while) that my oldest son, Carder, is in the Coast Guard. He serves, not on a boat, but behind a computer near our nation’s capitol, protecting our country from cyber attacks. We purchased our first home computer in 1994. This was before windows was an easy to use operating system and to open any program, you had to tell the computer what to do by typing in a command. At age two Carder would sit in a booster seat so that he could reach the keyboard. He knew exactly what DOS commands to type into the black screen with the blinking white cursor to get to the games he wanted to play. Just a few years later, his room was filled with used computers, pieces, parts, cables and cords and that were hacked together to create his own systems. In addition to Carder’s techy work, he has created virtual and role playing games through the years. I hope that he will develop and produce one soon. At one point in high school he had organized a secret underground game going through the school for three years. There were a couple hundred kids involved and it was kept secret for several years. It was a proud moment when the principal acknowledged the game at his graduation.


Our second son, Bryce, has always been a wiz in the kitchen. Years ago I homeschooled him a through those evil middle school years. It was during this time that my mother was fighting breast cancer and going  through daily radiation treatments. She would pick Bryce up from our house a few days a week and take him with her. They would always visit Thai and Asian restaurants. That is where he found his great love for ethnic foods and cooking with spices. He would ask the chef what spices were used and he’d come home with a shopping list for me. When he was eleven, he would create his own variations of exotic dishes. He’s been working the past two years at Hucapoos and is making a splash as a bartender at the Sandbar.

A few years later, he picked up a guitar. Sean showed his some basic chords, then he just took off and made it his own. Later teaching himself on the bass, cello, and exploring any other instruments he’d pick up . He’s been in a few bands through the years and is currently working with a new line up. I’m excited to hear them play in a few months.

Then we had the girls…

Starting with Baylie who is now eighteen. She is definitely one of the most colorful people you’d meet. Makeup and hair color have always been her thing, changing her hair color weekly since she was twelve. She has expressed herself through painting, making gifts for family and friends and also through crochet. Earlier this year she stated exploring with theatrical makeup. People that have seen her creations believe she definitely has some career options in this field. She created this by using latex and ground coffee.


Our middle daughter is Kyleigh, now fourteen. She has picked up the makeup brushes too. Although she seems to have an allergic reaction to latex and has taken a different direction with theatrical makeup. She has found her creativity outlet in illusion makeup. Where no other materials are used. Through brush strokes, color and her imagination she creates a work of art using only skin as the canvas. I am constantly blown away each time she emerges from her room as a new character. I love watching her creative process come to life. I can’t wait to see what develops with her creative talent in the coming years.


Ava is the little powerhouse exclamation point at the end of our McNally crew. She get her fingers in all kinds of creative things. This year she has explored crafting wire jewelry, painting, watercolor and photography. Craving for some sense of order in the midst of our chaos, she is also the most organized person in the house. I think it’s a result of having to grow up in the middle everyone else’s creative messes!

They are each a work in progress and it makes my heart proud to see them explore their creativity and learn how to move in the direction for which they were wired.  I can’t do any more than to put the tools and materials in their hands and encourage them to do their best at whatever they put their hand to.

So in a nutshell that explains my kiddos! If you haven’t met them yet, I hope you get a chance to get to know them…they are quite amazing people and I am proud to be called their Momma!


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