My New Love for Airbnb
31 Aug

My New Love for Airbnb

Anyone who knows the McNally’s knows that we love to travel, and we love to travel to Costa Rica…and we love to travel to Costa Rica as cheap as we can! Airbnb and Spirit airlines has made that even more possible for us for our upcoming trip later this month. Our last two trips there were […]

Keep Moving Ahead
8 Jul

Keep Moving Ahead

In addition to my regular photography work, I have a few partnerships and collaborations with other companies in the works. I will eventually do a separate blog post on each of them. I hope this blog post will be an encouragement to you. If you are in the midst of starting over, or just contemplating […]

A few days to just Be.
21 Jun

A few days to just Be.

I promise I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. When summertime hits, Tybee is full of tourists, and vacationers. For the past four and a half years, Sean and I have strategically marketed our business so that we can continue to live on Tybee, pay our bills and feed our kids. Each year […]

Life Lessons From Our Garden
4 Jun

Life Lessons From Our Garden

It’s 10am Saturday morning. The sun is casting it’s rays and throwing diamonds across the sea. Birds are serenading the droves of tourists walking down 14th Street as cars speed around them. Everyone is in a big hurry to get to the beach to swim, surf, and worship the sun. As all of this beauty […]

Changing Directions
17 May

Changing Directions

Five years ago, Sean and I found ourselves in a place we didn’t want to be. We made a decision (together) to make a wholesale change in the direction of our lives. We counted the costs and decided what was immovable and unchangeable. For us, keeping our marriage strong and intact and raising our family […]

By My Side for Twenty-six Years
12 May

By My Side for Twenty-six Years

When Sean came into my life. He had long hair and big dreams of being a rock star. A few months later we went on our first date then he moved 500 miles away. The whole story of our long distant relationship is in this blog post I wrote last year. I can’t fully express […]

Happy Mother’s Day
8 May

Happy Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s day. For me it’s a little more like Thanksgiving day. I have so much to be thankful for, my mother who (next to Sean) has been my best friend through all of my adult years. She is one of the only people I will have an extended conversation on the phone with. […]

Loosing Sight of The Real Thing
28 Apr

Loosing Sight of The Real Thing

Surrounded by some of my closest friends, we wiggled our toes in the sand for a glorious beach day. Feeling the salt air stick to our skin and hair as the cool breeze wrapped around us we just enjoyed the moment, and the opportunity to be. About an hour into our basking, a little boy […]

Purge and Simplify
13 Apr

Purge and Simplify

Visiting Costa Rica always changes my perspective on many day to day things when I return to the States and our life here.  A while ago I wrote a blog post titled “Walking Around the World in Flip Flops” in that post I referred back to one of our first visits to Costa Rica about […]
