The Happiness of Pursuit
5 Nov

The Happiness of Pursuit

A few years ago I read a life changing book. It was called “The Art of Non-Conformity” by Chris Guillebeau. At the time I started reading his writings he was in the midst of a quest to visit every country in the world before he turned 35. I was intrigued by his perspective and adopted […]

Full Circle
21 Oct

Full Circle

It was just after midnight and the train continued swaying on the rails as it pushed ahead northward through South Carolina then North Carolina. My head filled with thoughts coming from every direction. Bouncing from happy memories from less than twenty four hours ago when my  just-turned-eighteen-years-old-daughter, Baylie, had invited me to dinner to the […]

219 weeks ago.
30 Sep

219 weeks ago.

The first day we visited Tybee was the last day of our four day exploration trip to Savannah. When I searched my Instagram photos for this post, I found out that it was 219 weeks ago the first time we crossed the Lazaretto bridge. We were scouting for a new place to start over. We […]

Time For A Change
6 Sep

Time For A Change

It’s labor day weekend. The final hurrah of summer for most of the country. Our island has slowed down in the last week. There was threat of Tropical storm Erika visiting us. Even though her travel plans changed, many tourists diverted their plans too. Cancelling reservations on what turned out to be a fantastic sunny […]

Exponential Little Bits
28 Aug

Exponential Little Bits

I was a stay at home mom with five kids. One in private school, one in middle school, one in elementary school, one in preschool and a nursing baby attached at the hip. I was in two car pools. I volunteered at two schools. I made home cooked meals for my family seven days a […]

Being Happy and Content
16 Aug

Being Happy and Content

In recent days and weeks I have had several conversations with people who are excited about new doors opening and changes in store for them. Moving on to the next stage and chapter of their lives. New job, career change, school, moving to a new place, selling a house, buying a house, or completely starting […]

Six More Weeks of Summer!
7 Aug

Six More Weeks of Summer!

It’s been three years and I still haven’t gotten the hang of it. Here in the south the kids head back to school around the first week of August. Yesterday was the first day of school for many Tybee and Savannah students. This is when everyone announces “Summer’s over!” “What??” I exclaim, “It was 98 […]