Tybee Prom
14 Jul

Tybee Prom

  Wrapped in pink taffeta, tulle, satin and chiffon, two by two they arrived to the American Legion Post 154 for the annual Tybee Prom. The fundraiser was created and continues each year by the dynamic sister duo, Sandy McCloud and Shirley Sessions. Each year the sold out event draws a crazy Tybee crowd. Dancing […]

Young and In Love
23 Jun

Young and In Love

We were young and ready to take on the world. Naive to think we knew what it was really going to take to be grown ups, but we sure as hell gonna to give it a shot. Not knowing where we would live to start our journey as a newly married couple, we planned a […]

“The Hens” and Beach Days
9 Jun

“The Hens” and Beach Days

A layer of clouds cover the island  this morning. Not dark clouds, just white peaceful clouds. A little bit of light blue peeking through but not enough to guarantee a beach day. I am planning my day. Editing, marketing, a sunset photoshoot tonight, Sean hosting open mic at Tybee Social club this evening. It’ll be […]

Daily Dose
30 May

Daily Dose

Writing is a new discipline for me. Actually, I have kept a personal journal for years. So I should say that public posting of writing is a new discipline for me. One of the best gifts I ever received was during my high school graduation. It was a book gift set that contained a published […]

Critism and Critical Times Can Shape You
18 May

Critism and Critical Times Can Shape You

I came to the conclusion several years ago that I cannot make everyone happy. I was naturally an introvert and would avoid controversy for the sake of being contrary or hurting someone’s feelings. But that did not mean that I did not have an opinion on a hot topic, I usually just held my tongue. […]

I Am Not Shy, I Am An Introvert.
17 Apr

I Am Not Shy, I Am An Introvert.

Over the past 15 years, I have been administered several Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator tests. The first one revealed that I am an extreme introvert. At this point in my life, I would not even introduce myself in a room full of people. Maybe one on one, but never in a whole room of people. […]

“Where Everybody Knows Your Name”
6 Apr

“Where Everybody Knows Your Name”

As some of you that follow my facebook feed have noticed, Sean and I have a couple favorite bars that we go to here on Tybee. Before moving here, we hardly ever went out to a bar. Partly because there were not many places to frequent in Stafford VA, and our life was consumed with many other […]

Life’s Tensions
25 Feb

Life’s Tensions

For as long as I can remember I have tried to have a positive outlook on life and my personal happiness. There was a period of time when all I could see was grey and not the vibrant colors of life swirling around me. Everything I read said to focus on the good memories, but somehow even […]